Joy of the Unplanned

Today, I was reading a commentary on the new Winnie the Pooh movie in World Magazine, and it said "doing nothing often leads to the best kind of something" ultimately identifying the "joys of the unplanned".  This may sound weird to you as I am not technically  "doing nothing" with my time right now. But on my downtime, as I am intentionally removing myself from social media, and the blackhole of instagram explore, I feel like I am doing nothing. And for me it is not easy. 

Actually it is the hardest challenge thus far.

 ( I have accepted that my Spanish isn't a challenge but continual growth- framing it like this makes me feel better!) I have been redirected that this Season of rest is what my soul needed. 

With my Tuesdays typically free, I was excited to have down time to balance my processing of everything I see and experience her. I was more needed in the nursery today than on the couch in front of my computer or exploring downtown San Jose. I realized that the bank of time I have her is not for me to manage or balance. This is not my time, it is God's. 

It is easier for my enneagram 2 self  to feel fullfilled as a helper when I am working in the clinic in the mornings, or with different aged groups of kids each afternoon-- but down time and free days-- Am I helping anyone? EXCEPT I am. This is the time where I can read through my bible, I can pray. These are the moments that have been so powerful for me this week. I am excited to see Winnie the Pooh in a few months when I am stateside- but for now I will continue to reflect on the idea of "joys of the unplanned". These days without a task list- or  defined role are a gift The days to be myself and chose to live in the stillness of His presence. 

You can check out the article here...Winnie the Pooh "A clear afternoon" Hopefully the link works without membership access. 
