Same destination, Different Girl

The time has come for me to leave, and I feel like there is still so much preparation to be done. I'm all packed with my various vitamin donations (over 5,000 pills) and sweet maple candy gifts for my hosts. The routine 16 hour travel day, navigating my dad through city traffic,  standing in lines, and people watching, is underway.

This week as I have prepared I have been rerouted to study Esther.

"And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this"(4:14)

Mordecai is challenging Esther to rise up, ACT, move. Do something- now is the time. 

This phrase has been mentioned to me, prayed over me, and sent to me this week by people- who I am the only mutual friend between (except Jesus) Yes I am listening. 

Esther was disciplined, faithful, and prayerful. I am reminded of God's providential timing, Esther's courage, and my challenge to obey. This is my challenge today. Pray for me. To be still, listen, discern, and empower. I feel this trip will be impactful for the individuals who have served in Costa Rica for years. Partnering with them to serve the community, as well as encouraging them, someway-somehow. 

I kept being asked this week about my nerves, anxieties, worries- and as I stumbled to list any, I started to create lists of what could go wrong. Satan jumped right in to this brainstorm with me- with many new suggestions, doubts and questions.  Orchestrating time off from work- while bills continue to accumulate, diving head first into Spanish immersion  to name a few. I am brushing off these  questions. 
I pray "Lord, bring peace." 

I joked my comfort zone a different shape. It is not necessarily larger than others, just classically Anna- different. As my mom quickly responded- there are still many scenarios that make me uneasy.

My journal is empty- with anticipation of the next 70 days. This is a great feeling.

There are 6 years between these pictures and visits to Costa Rica. Wow. I couldn't help but laugh. But also sigh, with all the life that has happened since 18 year old Anna first went to San Jose. A. college degree, first apartments, new car, weddings, nieces/nephews, cancer, international missions, #adulting, and new friends.

I can only pause and think of the grace God will bring in the next 6 years.


  1. This is awesome in many ways! Its crazy how much can happen in 6 years! Thanks for sharing your heart. Can't wait to read more!


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