What is there to say about someone, who you didn't want to meet? Yes, I was NOT excited before Susan returned to Costa Rica for a visit.
Hear me out.
 I was first introduced to the idea of "Susan" when I was told my host brother's fish was named after her. ( her name is Suzanne, but in Costa Rica its Susan- equal to my Ana) A beloved friend and "auntie" to my newest 4 year old buddy. Susan lived with my host family for 8 months earlier this year. She was here to visit for 3 weeks- which flew by!!  Ever since she was 5 years old she has had the dream to be a nurse on Mercy Ships, finally to come true this January. So logically she had to come visit for 3 weeks, before her adventure in West Africa. ( I like the way she thinks) Not only is she a great "auntie" to our host brother, but also to her 9, soon to be 10 nieces and nephews stateside. She dotes on them, prioritizes them, and might even out do me in the "spoiling aunt" category.

Can you see where this is going? I really adore her. God knew my heart needed a confidant, someone who whole-heartedly understood what I was experiencing here in Costa Rica to debrief on the daily in English. Not to mention her nursing memes are on point.

Long story short, the idea of Susan burdened me for the first few weeks I was here. Internally I was comparing myself to her reputation with my host family, making assumptions, and never once thought how God might use ourfriendship. Woah, I am so grateful to God for gifting me such a transparent accountability partner. In 3 weeks, between morning bus rides, family adventures in the "little blue car that could", we managed to watch 5 Pixar movies, adventure downtown 3 times, and laugh a whole lot.

Susan, I am grateful for your laugh, even when it turns into an alarming dog bark cough. I am grateful for your perspective, that reorients me, to not judge on first impression. You have the patience with kids that I do not. I'm going to have to step up my train game with Caleb during my last month. You will be missed by your TICA family, and I am grateful this is just our beginning. Your servant heart inspires me! - Ana
With Sandrita in the Clinic 

Independence Day Adventure 

Trying all the popsicle flavors 
Road trip to Quepos 

We only got moderately sunburnt on the boat. 
