Family Week

Here are some highlights of our Family Week! As a family of 10, and siblings in different states (or countries?) this only happens about twice a year. The minis keep it fun and energetic- except for when it is nap time- that is taken seriously by everyone.

Three Generations- Papa, Ben and Josiah 

Atop Equinox Mountain

Nana an Popsie- they delivered donuts to our kiddie pool party 🍩

Making the 2-Two year olds cooperate required the mothers about the camera, 
waving ice cream cones as a bribe. Too bad the lens wasn't reversed.  

Sister Sister 👯

Eloise Joy at 1 Month Old! What a month of JOY it has really been!

Clarendon Gorge Swinging Bridge- don't worry the civil engineer inspected the integrity, per usual


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